This was set up to encouraged young students of 11 yrs old to think past the TV games and Football. It is a tiny 1W/ch amp and PSU and speakers built for under £20.00 The speaker and I suspect you have seen this before are made from Pringle Tube. The Amp Chassis is a Granite look a like plastic bathroom mug from Tesco for £3.50.
It took just 3 hour to make and worked first time.
I used to love projects like that. Just building a crystal radio, with a long antenna strung outside, kept me fascinated for hours. I also converted two torches with LDRs and made a light-beam walkie-talkie circuit, great fun!
RCA 2N3055 lid off the TO3 and a mini solar cell worked well only 20 to run my Sinclair Cambridge Calculator, the cheap STC/Motorola one die were to small.So it had to be RCA or Harris.
Not really it was heavy and with all the books and other junk I had to take lectures, it soon got replaced with a PSU I could sneakily plug into the wall. That used a Faraday non Watty component circuit my dad showed me, naughty man.
Maybe Colin has already done this, so apologies for lazy research...
What about a simple LOW COST amp or pre-power kit, where the boards could be supplied and maybe pre-compiled parts kits and with a cheap case choice (I like abs cases, but then I would, wouldn't I :lol:).
Most of us aren't as enterprising as Pre65 here with his posted pics of high voltage valve amps spread out with exposed wiring over mdf 'trays,' but I'm sure some very simple kits, not always op-amp based, would be huge fun to build. I say this as a 'kit builder' by trade now, as I basically wire up 'kits of parts' and love it to bits
Absolutely brilliant, I would love my soon to be 11 year old son to make something like that.
3 hours for Colin is probably a month's work for me though!
No it s just planing the order to do thing the worse bit was shopping in Tesco for a nice box the Tumbler was the best thick walls solid and easy to drill and fix the front on. I hate shopping, when I go for me it is quick I want the bits go to the isle and pay and leave, when I go with my cuz she has to go here check this and she could audit the shop. BORING so I escaped to the new vinyl section upstairs and relax, until called back. Then the moaning starts, you just can't win. Now Maplins is better a man shop mmmm heaven.
Source Components: DDDAC Amplification: Stereo Coffee pre amp on steroids, Rather large Colin Wonfor Class A power Amp Speakers: Lampizator P17 Open Baffles Accessories: Klotz 500 DIY Interconnects & DIY speaker cable sounding better than anything commercial. All powered from a Mother Trucker BPS with a dedicated consumer unit with 10mm armoured radial back to the house tails after the meter.
In the UK, we seem to revere the likes of lawyers more. I can't think why.
I can. It's because in the UK, people who are fitters, mechanics, IT help desk workers etc are given the job title of engineer by morons who don't know any better. No offence to those people who are fitters, mechanics and IT help desk workers.
I think it's probably just my age that fools people into thinking I'm a grown-up.