The beauty of this camera is that it is a point & shoot,
and a much more advanced camera when you need it.
If you just want to snap away now put Mode dial on AUTO and shoot.
Images are stored on an SD memory card.
You will get much better results generally though by putting in P and changing focus as I suggested.
Go to page 61 of advanced manual and select ‘flexi zone’, making sure that focus box is selected to be in centre of screen as per pages 62-63.
This way, whenever you take a photo, position centre box exactly where you want focus to be set, press shutter half way down to focus,
then you can either press button down fully take shot, or keeping shutter pressed half way down, ‘recompose' the shot and then take the pic.
See p34 for checking size and quality of pics.
You have the advanced manual.
After you've done those two things,
here you can download the Basic manual which will be less overwhelming to show you the basics.
see page 3 of this guide re memory card